GPS Tracking Of Transporters Under GST – UP Issues Notification
Notification No.-E-way bill-R.F.I.D./sachaldal/2018-19/  /commercial tax.
Office of the commissioner, commercial tax
Uttar Pradesh. (Sachal dal Anubhag)
Lucknow  Dated o7 September, 2018.

Inpersuance  of powers given by sub rule (4) of rule 138A ofUttar Pradesh  Goods  and  Services Tax  Rules, 2017 I, Commissioner State Tax  U.P., hereby  direct  that  such  transporters,   who  transport   such goods for which, information  relating to the said goods as specified in FORM GST EWB  O 1  is required to be furnished  electronically on the common portal, before  transportation of such goods in the territory  of Uttar Pradesh, shall obtain a R.F.I.D. Tag and get the said R.F.I.D. Tag embedded  on  wind  screen  of the  conveyance earring  such  goods  and get it mapped to the E-way bill system.
This  Notification   shall  come  into  force   with  effect   from   01 November, 2018.
(Kamini  Chauhan ‘Ratan)
Commissioner, State Tax Commercial Tax Department,  U .P.

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