The Government of India and Ministry of Commerce and Industry released a notification for the streamlining of Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) in the Director-General of Foreign Trade’s (DGFT’s) EDI system and Customs’ ICEGATE on September 14, 2020.

The Non- standard and Non-convertible UQCs usage lead to poor quality of data capture and related consequences which was observed by both DGFT and Customs Department. 

And it was also observed that the usage of harmonized standard UQC (Unit Quantity Codes) at the time of filing of Shipping Bills and Bills of Entry in ICEGATE is being mandated through various public notices issued by customs formations during the month of August 2020 which was the result of the combined efforts made by both DGFT as well as Customs Department over last few years. The main objective behind the efforts of both them was to ensure standardization in the data collection for the purpose of clean data reporting and analysis.

 However, the Pubic Notice No. 101 sated 18.8.2020 issued by JNCH Mumbai customs has resulted in difficulties for some members of the trade and Industry in complying with the standard UQCs in their old Advance and EPCG authorizations which have been issued with quantity units that do not match with the standard UQCs being adopted/available now.

For the addresal of these issues only Government has decided to take followings steps-

  • At first, no new authorizations mentioning Non-standard units such as BoU, packs, Boxes cartons and bottles etc would be issued by RAs. For these necessary changes are being carried out in the DGFT EDI system also. 
  • Secondly, to ensure that exports do not suffer in the meanwhile, for the authorizations already issued and carrying any Non —standard units such as BoU, packs, Boxes cartons and bottles etc, Customs have been requested to allow exports against such authorizations till 30.10.2020 by accepting exporter’s shipping bills in the UQCs provided in ICEGATE. After 1.11.2020, exports/imports without standard UQCs will not be permitted.
  • And at last, in the meanwhile, such authorization holders are requested to approach concerned RA and get the non — standard units indicated in their authorizations in the import and export quantities, converted to standard quantity units. In case RAs face any difficulty in carrying out these amendments, they will get in touch with the concerned Norms Committee (NC) in Hqrs.

Also, DGFT mentioned that if any difficulty occurs while implementing these above-mentioned instructions should be brought to the notice of this directorate at immediately.

With Warm Regards,

CL Bureau.

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