Most Common Reasons for Not Receiving Income Tax Refund

If you filed your income tax return (ITR) for the assessment year 2023-24 and have not received your refund yet, there could be a number of reasons for this. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Incorrect or incomplete ITR. Errors in your ITR can delay the processing of your return and prevent you from receiving your refund. Make sure to review your ITR carefully before filing it.
  • Outstanding tax liabilities. If you have any outstanding tax liabilities, such as unpaid taxes or penalties, the income tax department will adjust your refund against those liabilities.
  • Not e-verifying your ITR. E-verification is mandatory for all ITRs filed electronically. If you have not e-verified your ITR, it will not be processed and you will not receive your refund.
  • Technical issue with your refund. In some cases, there may be a technical issue with your refund that is preventing it from being processed.
  • Processing delays. The income tax department typically takes 30 days to process ITRs. However, it can take longer in some cases, such as if your ITR is complex or incomplete.

What to Do Now ?

If you have filed your income tax return for the assessment year 2023-24 and have not received your refund yet, you can do the following:

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  1. Check the status of your refund. You can do this on the income tax department’s e-filing portal by logging in to your account and clicking on the “My Account” tab and then clicking on the “Refund Status” link.
  2. If your ITR is still being processed, you will need to wait until it is processed before you can receive your refund. The income tax department typically takes 30 days to process ITRs. However, it can take longer in some cases, such as if your ITR is complex or incomplete.
  3. If your ITR has been processed but you have not received your refund yet, you can contact the income tax department’s customer care center for assistance. You can also file a grievance on the e-filing portal.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Make sure that you have e-verified your ITR. E-verification is mandatory for all ITRs filed electronically. If you have not e-verified your ITR, it will not be processed and you will not receive your refund.
  • Review your ITR carefully before filing it to avoid any errors. Errors in your ITR can delay the processing of your return and prevent you from receiving your refund.
  • Pay any outstanding tax liabilities before filing your ITR. If you have any outstanding tax liabilities, such as unpaid taxes or penalties, the income tax department will adjust your refund against those liabilities.

If you have followed all of these steps and you still have not received your refund, you may need to contact a tax professional for assistance.

{1}Income Tax Refund: 35 लाख करदाताओं को अब भी रिफंड का इंतजार, जानिए इनकम टैक्स ने क्या कहा ?

इस बीच, केंद्रीय प्रत्यक्ष कर बोर्ड (CBDT) के अध्यक्ष नितिन गुप्ता ने कहा कि रिफंड जारी करने के लगभग 35 लाख मामले वर्तमान में करदाताओं के बेमेल और सत्यापन के कारण आयकर (IT) विभाग के पास रुके हुए हैं. बैंक खाते और कर अधिकारी एक विशेष कॉल सेंटर के माध्यम से ऐसे करदाताओं तक पहुंच रहे हैं.

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CBDT प्रमुख नितिन गुप्ता ने कहा कि जिनको रिफंड नहीं मिला है, विभाग ऐसे करदाताओं के साथ बातचीत में और इन मुद्दों को शीघ्रता से हल करना उनका उद्देश्य है. उन्होंने कहा, ‘हम करदाताओं के सही बैंक खातों में रिफंड जल्दी जमा करना चाहते हैं.’

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