“I don’t really have weekends.”

A Colombian rum company, Dictador, has appointed a humanoid, AI-powered robot named Mika as its experimental CEO. This is the first time that a company has appointed an AI robot as its CEO.

Mika is a more sophisticated version of the humanoid robot Sophia, and was created by Hanson Robotics. Mika is able to interact with people in a natural way, and can understand and respond to complex questions. She is also able to access and process information from the real world through sensors and cameras.

As CEO, Mika will be responsible for a wide range of tasks, including helping to spot potential clients, selecting artists to design bottles, and making executive decisions. She will also be the official face of Dictador, the world’s most forward-looking luxury rum producer.

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The appointment of Mika as CEO is a bold move by Dictador, and it consolidates the company’s position as one of the most advanced and thought-leading organizations globally. It also underlines the brand’s passion for new technology and offers a positive disruption by bringing the future to what can still be a very traditional world.

It remains to be seen how Mika will perform as CEO, but her appointment is a significant development in the world of AI and robotics. It is possible that we will see more companies appointing AI robots to senior positions in the future, as AI technology continues to develop and become more sophisticated.

The robot was created by Hanson Robotics, the company also behind the famed humanoid Sophia, and was hailed as the “first AI human-like robot CEO” of a global company.

“I don’t really have weekends — I’m always on 24/7, ready to make executive decisions and stir up some AI magic,” the robot told Reuters in a “video interview” at the time.

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Slow Uptake

But while the rum company sees its robot as the key to its future successes, others aren’t as convinced the tech is ready for prime time just yet.

Fox Business reporter Lauren Simonetti recently interviewed Mika over a video call and found that there was a “significant delay” in the time it takes for the robot to actually respond.

Simonetti also took to the streets, asking New York City residents what they thought of the robotic CEO. While one person said they would treat it with compassion, another person argued that “robots don’t need respect” because they’re “just machines.”

If machine learning systems do keep getting stronger, though, using them in lieu of human executives might not be the farthest-fetched idea.

In a survey from earlier this year, for instance, The Hustle found that 40 percent of all respondents said it makes sense to replace CEOs with AI.

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After all, they won’t think twice about dirty work like firing human employees.

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