According to the story that has appeared in India Today, the Unique Identification Project may soon be shown the door by Parliament Committee

The reason given by the committee was – The UID project is directionless!

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This report is quite surprising given the fact that UID distribution started close to year back and few lakh of Indian citizens have already received their cards. Not only that, just couple of days back, there was news that UID card appointments will go online to ensure faster & seamless distribution of cards.

But the draft report prepared by the committee to trash the National Identification Authority of India Bill is ready and will be revealed on Thursday. The India Today report also goes on to say that decision to trash this existing bill was taken “unanimously” by Parliaments standing Finance Committee and some of the 

Congress members also agree to opinion that UID project is “directionless”!

Additionally, it says that the bill will not be trashed entirely, but needs a thorough review / reconsideration from the ruling Congress. The committee only states that it is not acceptable in present form.

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It is nations question that – why this did not get discussed / raised / trashed when the bill was passed and christened “Aadhar” in December of 2010.

Source : India Today.

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