The Hon’ble West Bengal Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling in the case of IN RE: M/S. MINDRILL SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED – 2024 (2) TMI 553 – APPELLATE AUTHORITY FOR ADVANCE RULING, WEST BENGAL allowed the appeal filed by the Revenue Department, thereby holding that no ITC is allowed on Input Goods or Services in relation to construction of immovable property which is further let out for commercial purposes.


M/s. Mindrill Systems and Solutions Private Limited (“the Respondent”) constructed a warehouse and let it out to a Company for commercial purpose, the GST was paid on the said supply of service. The Respondent filed an application for Advance Ruling before the West Bengal Authority for Advance Ruling (“WBAAR”) on whether Input Tax Credit (“ITC”) can be availed with respect to capital expenses incurred on construction of warehouse which would be further utilized to pay tax on outward supplies of services by way of renting the warehouse.

WBAAR vide Advance Ruling dated June 26, 2023 (“the Impugned Ruling”) held that, the Respondent is not eligible to claim ITC with respect to expenses incurred on construction of warehouse which is capitalized in the book of account. However, in case where the expenses are not capitalized in the books of account, the claim of ITC is admissible.

Aggrieved by the Impugned Ruling, the Bathula Mahesh Babu (“the Appellant”), on behalf of the Revenue Department filed an appeal against the Impugned Ruling.


Whether ITC is available in relation to construction of immovable property which is further let out for commercial purpose?


The West Bengal Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling in the case of IN RE: M/S. MINDRILL SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED – 2024 (2) TMI 553 – APPELLATE AUTHORITY FOR ADVANCE RULING, WEST BENGAL held as under:

  • Observed that, clauses (c) and (d) of sub-section (5) of Section 17 of the Central Goods and Services Act, 2017 (“the CGST Act”) that ITC is not available with respect to works contract services or goods or services or both received for the construction of immovable property and, therefore would fall within the purview of blocked credit.
  • Further observed that, the explanation stated in clause (d) of Section 17 of the CGST Act, the credit is also blocked with respect to reconstruction, renovation, addition, alterations or repairs which are capitalized in the books of accounts.
  • Noted that, the condition of capitalization in the books of accounts, is only applicable with respect to reconstruction, renovation, additions, alterations or repairs to the immovable property.
  • Opined that, the ITC is blocked with respect to construction in all situations.
  • Held that, no ITC is available in relation to the construction of the warehouse which is further let out by the Applicant.
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