1. [TS-6380-ITAT-2019(DELHI)-O]- Cash deposit during demonetization period – ITAT: Insufficient evidence to consider sales as bogus or to make addition of cash in hand – ITAT notes that Assessee, a small trader, declared return of income under presumptive provisions u/s 44AD and case was selected under limited scrutiny for cash deposit during demonetization period from 09.11.2016 to 30.12.2016; The fact that during assessment, the assessee submitted a copy of his balance-sheet does not prove that the assessee maintained books of account; AO made addition u/s 68 on account of unexplained cash credits due to bogus sales; On appeal, CIT(A) restricted addition to the extent of cash in hand, which was considered as unaccounted; ITAT ruled in Assessee`s favour and delete the entire addition, notes that “If there is no creditor in the books of account and no books of account have been maintained, there is no question of considering it to be cash credit”; Assessee had filed details of sales & purchase before AO giving names, telephone number and address of parties; held that if the AO had any doubt, he could have made direct inquiry; ITAT held that there was no justification to consider the assesee’s sales to be bogus or to make addition of cash in hand as per details submitted; AO did not bring any sufficient evidence on record to justify the addition;
  2. [TS-8316-ITAT-2019(Hyderabad)-O]- Merely because of cash deposits in bank account during demonetization period (Nov-Dec 2015), cash in hand as on 31-03-2016 cannot be doubted – ITAT notes that assessee is engaged in money lending business and therefore cannot be expected to be without any cash in hand at the end of the relevant assessment years (AYs); The assessee has been showing closing balance of cash in hand even for the earlier AYs and sundry debtors were shown in the Balance Sheet ended 31st March, 2015, hence cash flow statement demonstrates the sources of the funds with the assessee; ITAT further notes that the return of income filed by Assessee has been accepted by the Department and was not picked up for scrutiny; ITAT deletes the addition, holds that cash in hand of as on 31-03-2016 cannot be doubted;
  3. [TS-8936-ITAT-2017(Mumbai)-O]- ITAT upholds CIT(A)’s order, sets aside addition u/s 69 for cash deposits in bank account; AO treated the deposits as unexplained investment, as return of income was filed in ITR–2 wherein there is no option for offering income u/s 44AD, and had also offered income under the head income from other sources; the CIT(A) deleted the addition by observing that merely because option to offer income u/s 44AD is not present in Form ITR-2 was no reason for rejecting the appellant’s return; the CIT(A) applied presumptive rate of tax of 8% on cash deposited; ITAT notes that AO, in the preceding AY 2010–11, has accepted the assessee’s aforesaid claim and the CIT(A)’s finding that cash deposits are from his cosmetics and merchandise business, set aside addition u/s 69; ITAT cautions assessee that “he should not take advantage of his ignorance by repeatedly committing same mistake. If he intends to avail the benefit of presumptive tax u/s 44AD, he has to comply with requirement of the relevant statutoryprovisions”
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