E:\CA_Ankit_Gulgulia.jpgE-Invoice under GST – Applicability, Concept, How to Generate, Legal Backdrop and Format

By CA Ankit Gulgulia (Jain)

The Biggest buzz in GST currently is E-invoice and QR Code and its implementation being made mandatory w.e.f 1st April, 2020. In such a scenario there are multiple aspects to be understood in detail regarding e-invoices, this article is just an attempt to have complete bird eye view of the matter and how the industry and tax professionals should approach the implementation. Broadly, there are 8 sections of this article

  1. Applicability of E-Invoicing
  2. Applicability of QR Code
  3. Concept of E-Invoice
  4. GST Legal Backdrop on Introduction of e-invoice
  5. Format of E-Invoice
  6. Workflow of E-Invoicing
  7. How to generate E-Invoice – Procedure
  8. Concluding Remarks

There can be several other discussions possible on this topic which I am looking to cover in second volume of this article so that we can discuss what’s most relevant first. Let’s Start !

  1. Applicability of E-Invoice
    1. As per Notification No. 70/2019 – Central Tax dated 13th December, 2019, A registered person, whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds one hundred crore rupees, as a class of registered person who shall prepare invoice in terms of sub-rule (4) of rule 48 of the said rules in respect of supply of goods or services or both to a registered person
    2. 5 Keywords here i) Aggregate Turnover ii) In a Financial Year iii) Exceeds 100 Cr iv) Rule 48(4) and v) to a Registered Person
      1. Aggregate Turnover is defined in the Act under Section 2(6). It is for turnover on PAN Basis and not individual State GSTIN Basis. Turnover includes all taxables, local, interstate, export and exempt supplies to check 100 Crores.
      2. In a Financial Year It does not say, previous financial year but in a financial year. Safely one should implement E-Invoicing even if in previous year 100 Cr have been exceeded. If during the year it increases, one has to implement on prospective basis.
      3. Exceeds 100 Crores hence upto 100 Crores there is no requirement
      4. Invoice as per Rule 48(4) has to be prepared. Rule 48(4) required Invoice to be as per INV-01 format along with IRN (Invoice Reference number) generated from specified Portal (10 Portal’s specified we shall discuss later)
      5. To a Registered Person – Currently only B2B invoices needs to be e-invoiced.
    3. Applicability Date of Notification :-> 1st April, 2020
  2. Applicability of QR Code
    1. As per Notification No. 72/2019 – Central Tax dated 13th December, 2019, an invoice issued by a registered person, whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds five hundred crore rupees, to an unregistered person (hereinafter referred to as B2C invoice), shall have Quick Response (QR)code. Dynamic QR Codes with cross reference of payment also allowed.
    2. 4 Keywords here :-> i) Aggregate turnover ii) In a Financial year iii) Exceeds 500 Crores iv) to a Unregistered Person.
      1. Aggregate Turnover is defined in the Act under Section 2(6). It is for turnover on PAN Basis and not individual State GSTIN Basis. Turnover includes all taxables, local, interstate, export and exempt supplies to check 500 Crores
      2. In a Financial Year It does not say, previous financial year but in a financial year. Safely one should implement E-Invoicing even if in previous year 100 Cr have been exceeded. If during the year it increases, one has to implement on prospective basis.
      3. Exceeds 500 Crores hence upto 500 Crores there is no requirement
      4. To a UnRegistered Person – Currently only B2C invoices needs to be e-invoiced
    3. Applicability of QR Code :- 1st April, 2020


  • XYZ Limited has aggregate turnover of 650 Crores – In such a case, it must issue e-invoice with IRN to B2B customers and also QR Code Invoice to B2C customers.
  • ABC Limited has aggregate turnover of 250 Crores – In such a case, it must issue e-invoice with IRN to B2B customers but QR Code is not applicable on B2C Transactions.
  • What is clearly evident is the IRN is mandatory for B2B while QR Code is mandatory for B2C on mutually exclusive basis.
  1. CONCEPT OF E-Invoice
    1. First of all, e-invoice does not means generation of Invoice from the portal itself. It simply means that such invoice must have a IRN Number which gets generated only from portal.
    2. Hence one has to generate IRN from the portal and disclose the same on Invoice which is as per Format of INV-01 specifically. Any invoice not as per above shall not be a valid invoice w.e.f 1st April, 2020 as per Rule 48(5).
    3. So, the accounting software need not be changed but most accounting software will be the way of patch (FTP/API Mode) directly feed the information to the IRP Portal (GST Portal which will generate IRN) and IRP portal will generate a unique IRN to be used for every invoice.
    4. IRN will be hash from three constituents
      1. GSTIN of Supplier
      2. Financial Year
    5. Invoice Number The accounting software vendors would enable this aspect by way of an interface between the accounting software and the common portals and the assessee will only have to click a button to get the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) generated from the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP). Thereby, the generation of the IRN would be a faceless interface wherein the assessee will not know the process of the generation but will be given with the desired output.
    6. Generation of e-invoice will be the responsibility of the taxpayer who will be required to report the same to Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) of GST, which in turn will generate a unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN) and digitally sign the e-invoice and also generate a QR code. The QR Code will contain vital parameters of the e-invoice and return the same to the taxpayer who generated the document in first place. The IRP will also send the signed e-invoice to the recipient of the document on the email provided in the e-invoice.
  2. GST Legal Backdrop on Introduction of e-invoice
    1. Notification 70/2019 – Central Tax defines specified persons who must generate invoice as per INV-01 as mentioned in Rule 48(4) of CGST Rules, 2017 along with IRN generated from GST Portal
    2. Rule 48(4) is concerned with Manner of Issuance of Invoice.
    3. Rule 48(5) says any invoice issued by Specified Assessee without IRN is invalid. Remember specified assessee here is assessee with aggregate turnover exceeding 100 Crores as discussed above
    4. Rule 48(6) says in such cases of E-invoices, duplicate/triplicate compliance not required
    5. Notification 68/2019 – Central Tax vide GST 8th Amendment Rules amended Rule 48 to include above Sub rules 48(4), 48(5), 48(6)
    6. Notification 69/ 2019 – Central Tax – Laid 10 Websites as IRP. These are :- (i) www.einvoice1.gst.gov.in;

(ii) www.einvoice2.gst.gov.in; (iii)www.einvoice3.gst.gov.in; (iv) www.einvoice4.gst.gov.in;(v) www.einvoice5.gst.gov.in; (vi) www.einvoice6.gst.gov.in; (vii) www.einvoice7.gst.gov.in; (viii) www.einvoice8.gst.gov.in; (ix) www.einvoice9.gst.gov.in; (x) www.einvoice10.gst.gov.in.

    1. As on current date, i.e. 7th March, 2020 none of the above are operating.
    2. Notification 02/2020 – Central Tax for Prescribing Format of INV-01 as mentioned in 48(4). This format will be used to create standard JSON file for each invoice to further create the IRN Hash tag.
  1. Format of E-Invoice

In the said rules, for FORM INV-01, the following form shall be substituted, namely:-

“Note: Cardinality Means occurance of field in the schema. Below are the the meaning of various symbol used in this column:

0..1 : It means this item is optional and even if mentioned can not be repeated

1..1: It means that this item is mandatory and can be mentioned only once.

1..n: It means this item is mandatory and can be repeated more than once

0..n: It means this item is optional but can be repated many times. For example: Previous invoice reference is optional but if required one can mention many previous invoice reference.


(See rules 48)



Technical Field nameCardi nalit ySmall

Description of the field 

Is it 

Mand atory on invoic e?

Technic al Field Specific ationsSample Value

of the field

Explanatory Notes of the Field
0Version1..1Version numberMand


string(M ax length:1 0)1.0It is the version of schema . It will be used to keep track of version of Invoice specification.
 1IRN0..1 Invoice



Mand atorystring(M ax length:5


649b01ftThis will be a unique reference number for this invoice. It can be generated by application based on the Algorithm provided by E-Invoice system or can be left blank. In case this field has been left blank E-Invoice system will generate it and respond back in response to registration request. In case application send this number then e-Invoice system will validate it and after validation registered same number against this invoice. Invoice will only be valid once it has this number and it is registered on E-invoice system.
2Invoice_type_code1..1Code for

Invoice type

Mand atorystring(M ax length:1







This will be the code to identify type of supply, some of the examples are mentioned. It will have also code for bill of entry, invoice and other type of documents. B2C invoice can be mentionted as type and based on that some fields will become optional. Detail JSON schema will mention these details later.
3Invoice_Subtype_co de1..1Sub_Code

for Invoice type

Mand atoryDrop DownRegular / CreditNote / DebitNoteType of the Document

Can be used as Regular for Bill of Supply and Delivery Challan etc

4InvoiceNum1..1Invoice numberMand atorystring(M ax length:1 6)Sa/1/2019It will be as per invoice number rule mentionted in CGST/SGST rule. Rule to be checked.
5InvoiceDate1..1Invoice DateMand atorystring



21/7/2019The date when the Invoice was issued. Format “DD/MM/YYYY”
6Invoice_currency_co de1..1Currency codeOptio nalstring(M ax

length:1 6)

USDIt depicts an additional currency in which all Invoice amounts can be given along with INR.  one additional currency shall be used in the Invoice.
7Reversecharge0..1Reverse Chargeoption


Charact erYIs the liability payable under reverse charge
8Delivery_or_Invo ice_Period0..1Opti onal
9Invoice_Period_Star t_Date1..1Invoice period start dateMand

atory  (if this sectio n is select ed or used)




10Invoice_Period_End _Date1..1Invoice Period End dateMand

atory  (if this sectio n is select ed or used)




11Order and Sales Order Reference0..1Opti onal
12Preceding Invoice Reference0..n
13Preceeding_Invoice _Number1..1Detail of Base Invoice which is being amended by subsequent documentMand

atory  (if this sectio n is select ed or used)

string(M ax length:1


Sa/1/2019This is the reference of original invoice to be provided in the case of debit and credit notes.  In mere invoicing this is not required.  It is required to keep future expansion of e versions of Credit notes, Debit Notes and other documents requried under GST
14Invoice_Document_ Reference1.1Invoice referenceOptio nalstring(M ax length:2 0)KOL01This reference is kept for user to provide any additional fields for eg., some branch, their user id, their employee id, sales centre reference etc.
15Preceeding_Invoice _Date1..1Date of InvoiceMand

atory  (if this sectio n is select ed or used)




16Other References0..1
17Receipt_Advice_Ref erence0..1Terms referenceOptio nalstring(M ax length:20)CREDIT30This reference is kept for user to provide their receipt advice details to their customer.
18Tender_or_Lot_Refe rence0..1Lot / Batch ReferenceOptio nalstring(M ax length:2 0)TENDERJAN2020This reference is kept for mentioning number or detail of Lot or Tender if supplies are made under such Lot or tender


Optio nalstring(M ax length:2 0)CONT23072019This reference is kept for mentioning contract number if supplies are made under any specific Contract
20External_Reference0..1Any other referenceOptio nalstring(M ax length:2 0)EXT23222An additional field for provision of any additional reference number for such supply.


Optio nalstring(M ax length:2 0)PJTCODE01This reference is kept for mentioning Project number if supplies are made under any specific Project
22RefNum0..1Vendor PO Reference numberOptio nalstring(M ax length:1 6)Vendor PO /10
23RefDate0..1Vendor PO Reference dateOptio nalstring

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1..1 Man


  A group of business terms providing information about the Supplier.
25Supplier_Legal_N ame1.. 1Supplier_Le gal_NameMand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)The Institute of Charetred Accountants of IndiaName as appearing in PAN of the Supplier
26Supplier_trading_ name0.. 1Trade Name of SupplierOptio nalstring(M ax length:1 00)ICAIA name by which the Supplier is known, other than Supplier name (also known as Business name).
27Supplier_GSTIN1.. 1Gstin of the SupplierMand atoryAlphanu meric with 15



29AADFV7589C1ZOGSTIN of the supplier
28Supplier_Address 11.. 1Supplier address1Mand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)Vasanth NagarAddress of the Supplier
29Supplier_Address 20.. 1Supplier address 2Optio nalstring(M ax length:1 00)BangaloreCity of the Supplier
30Supplier_City1.. 1Supplier address 2Optio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)BangaloreCity of the Supplier
31Supplier_State1.. 1PlaceMand atorystring(M ax length:5 0)KarnatakaState of the Supplier
32Supplier_Pincode1.. 1PincodeMand atorystring(M ax length:6


560087Pincode of the Supplier
33Supplier_Phone0.. 1PhoneOptio nalstring(M ax length:1 2)9999999999Contact number of the Supplier
34Supplier_Email0.. 1eMail idOptio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)Supplier@icai.comEmail id of the Supplier.


1..1 Man



  Header for Buyer information
36Billing_Name1.. 1Buyer Legal nameMand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)AdarshaIt will be legal name of buyer
37Billing_Trade_Na me1.. 1Buyer Legal nameMand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)AdarshaIt will be Trade Name of buyer
38Billing_GSTIN1.. 1GSTINMand atorystring(M ax length:1 5)29AACCR7832C1ZDGSTIN of the Buyer
39Billing_POS1.. 1State codeMand atoryString(M ax length:2)29Place of supply code of Supply
40Billing_Address11.. 1Address1Mand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)AddressAddress of the Buyer
41Billing_Address20.. 1Address2option


string(M ax length:1 00)AddressAddress of the Buyer
42Billing_State1.. 1PlaceMand atorystring(M ax length:5 0)BangaloreState of the Buyer
43Billing_Pincode1.. 1pincodeMand atorystring(M ax length:6


560002Pincode of the Buyer
44Billing_Phone0.. 1Phone numberOptio nalstring(M ax length:1 2)080 2223323contact number of the Buyer
45Billing_Email0.. 1eMail idOptio nalstring(M ax

length:5 0)

billing@icai.comEmail id of the buyer. This should be provided to help E-Invoicing system to receive this invoice on mail.

Information (Seller payment information)

0..1 optio nal  Header for Payee Information – person to whom amount is payable.  Optional for cases where payment is to be made to a person other than Supplier
47Payee_Name1.. 1Payee nameMand atorystring(M ax length:1 00)Name of the person to whom payment is to be made
48Payee_Financial_ Account1..1Account NumberMand atorystring(M ax length:1 8)Account number of Payee
49ModeofPayment1..1Payment modeMand atorystring(M ax length:6


Cash/Credit/Direct TransferCash/Credit/Direct Transfer
50Financial_Institution _Branch1..1Financial


Branch (IFSC


Mand atorystring(M ax length:1 1)A group of business terms to specify Branch of Payee
51Payment_Terms0..1Payment TermsOptio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)Terms of Payment with the recipient if to be provided
52Payment_Instructio n0..1Payment InstructionOptio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)A group of business terms providing information about the payment.
53Credit_Transfer0..1Optio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)A group of business terms to specify credit transfer payments.
54Direct_Debit0..1Optio nalstring(M ax length:5 0)A group of business terms to specify a direct debit.
55CreditDays0..1Due date of CreditOptio nalNumeric (Min length:1

Max length:3


30-11-2019The date when the payment is due. Format “DD-MM-YYYY”.
56Delivery_Inform ation1..1Man



A group of business terms providing information about where and when the goods and services invoiced are delivered.



from details

Mand atoryRefer  A 1.1
58ECOM_GSTIN0..1eCommerce GSTINOptio nalstring(


length: 15)

Mention og E commerce operator is supply is made through him
59ECOM_POS0..1State codeOptio nalString(


length: 2)

29Mention og E commerce operator is supply is made through him
60Invoice Item Details1..n Man


61List {items}ItemsMand atoryRefer  A 1.2A group of business terms providing information about the goods and services invoiced.
62Document Total1..1Man





Mand atoryRefer  A 1.30
64Tax_Total1..1Total Tax


Mand atoryDecima l (10,2)When tax currency code is provided, two instances of the tax total must be present, but only one with tax subtotal.
65Sum_of_Invoice_lin e_net_amount0..1Item level net amountoption


Decima l (10,2)Sum of all Invoice line net amounts in the Invoice. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
66Sum_of_allowances _on_document_leve l0..1total discountoption


Decima l (10,2)Sum of all allowances on document level in the Invoice. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
67Sum_of_charges_on _document_level0..1total other chargesoption


Decima l (10,2)Sum of all charges on document level in the Invoice. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
68PreTaxDetailsBreak up of the  tax rate at invoice levelOptio nalRefer  A 1.3The total amount of the Invoice without GST. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
69Paid_amount1..1Paid amountMand atoryDecima l (10,2)The sum of amounts which have been paid in advance. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
70Amount_due_for_p ayment1..1Payment DueMand atoryDecima l (10,2)The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.


0..1Optio nal
72Tax_Scheme1..1GST, Excise,


VAT eyc.

Mand atorystring(


length: 4)

GST,CUST, VAT etc..Mandatory element. Use “GST”


Optio nalstring(


length: 100)

New batch Items submittedA textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice as a whole.Such as the reason for any correction or assignment note in case the invoice has been factored.
74Additional_Supporti ng_Documents0..n optio nal
75Additional_Supporti ng_Documents_url0..1Supporting document






length: 100)

A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice. The additional supporting documents can be used for both referencing a document number which is expected to be known by the receiver, an external document (referenced by a URL) or as an embedded document, Base64 encoded (such as a time report).
76Additional_Supporti ng_Documents0..1Supporting document in base64 format.option




length: 1000)

A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice. The additional supporting documents can be used for both referencing a document number which is expected to be known by the receiver, an external document (referenced by a URL) or as an embedded document, Base64 encoded (such as a time report).
77Invoice_Allowances _or_Charges0..1Total Value of allowances and charges at invoice leveloption


Decima l (10,2)A group of business terms providing information about allowances or charges applicable at invoice level as sometime discount or charges may be applicable on invoice level not on line item level.
78Eway Bill Details0..1 Opti onal   
79Transporter ID1..1Transporter


Optio nalAlphan umeric with 15 charact ers29AADFV7589C1ZOGSTIN :: 29AMRPV8729L1Z1
80transMode1..1Mode of transportati onRoad /

Rail /

Air /



Down –


81transDistance1..1Distance of transportati onDecima l (10,2)20




length: 100)

83transDocNo0..1Transporter Doc NoTA120; Mandatory if the mode of transport is other than by Road
84transDocDate0..1Transporter Doc Datestring




85vehicleNo1..1Vehicle NoOptio nalstring(


length: 20)

KA12KA1234  or  KA12K1234  or  KA123456  or  KAR1234
86Signature Detials0..1 Man



87DSC1..1Digital Signature of the


DSC KEY Hashan optional field since it is signed by the GSTN Portal also and data travels thry secured platform
 A 1.0       ShipTo Details0..1   


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 
1ShippingTo_Name1..1ShippingTo_ Legal_NameMand atorystring(


length: 60)

AdarshaA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
1ShippingTo_Name1..1ShippingTo_ Trade_Nam


Mand atorystring(


length: 60)

AdarshaA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
2ShippingTo_GSTIN1..1ShippingTo_ GSTINMand atorystring(


length: 100)

36AABCT2223L1ZFA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.


1..1ShippingTo_ Address1Mand atorystring(


length: 50)

AddressA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.


0..1ShippingTo_ Address2Optio nalstring(


length: 50)

AddressA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
5ShippingTo_Place0..1ShippingTo_ PlaceOptio nalstring(


length: 50)

BangaloreA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
6ShippingTo_Pincode1..1ShippingTo_ PincodeMand atorystring(


length: 6)

560001A group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
7ShippintTo_State1..1ShippintTo_ StateMand atorystring(


length: 100)

KarnatakaA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
8SubsupplyTypeSupply TypeMand atoryString(


length: 2)

Supply/export/JobworkA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.


Mand atoryString(


length: 2)

Regula/BilTo/ShipToA group of business terms providing information about the address to which goods and services invoiced were or are delivered.
 A 1.1       DispatchFrom Details


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 
1Company_Name1..1Company_N ameMand atorystring(


length: 60)

ICAIDetail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
2Address11..1Address1Mand atorystring(


length: 100)

Vasanth NagarDetail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
2Address20..1Address2Optio nalstring(


length: 100)

Millers RoadDetail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
3City1..1PlaceOptio nalstring(


length: 100)

BangaloreDetail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
4State1..1StateMand atoryString(


length: 2)

KarnatakaDetail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
5Pincode1..1PincodeMand atorystring(


length: 6)

560087Detail of person and address wherefrom goods are dispatched.
 A 1.2         Item Details1..n   


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 


Mand atoryint1,2,3
2Item Description0..1Item descriptionoption




length: 300)

MobileThe identification scheme identifier of the Item classification identifier
3ISService0..1ISServiceOptio nalCharact erY/NSpecify whether supply is that of Services or not
4HSN code0..1HSN codeOptio nalstring(

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length: 8)

1122A code for classifying the item by its type or nature.
5Batch0..1Optio nalRefer  A 1.3.1galaxyBatch number details are important to be mentioned for certain  set of manufacturers
6Barcode0..1ItemBarcdeOptio nalstring(

Max length: 30)

b123Barcoding if to be provided need to be specified
7Quantity1..1QuantityMand atoryDecima l (13,3)10The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the Invoice line.
8FreeQty0..1free quantityOptio nalDecima l (13,3)1Detail of any FOC item
9UQC0..1uomOptio nalstring(


length: 8)

BoxThe unit of measure that applies to the invoiced quantity. Codes for unit of packaging from UNECE Recommendation No. 21 can be used in accordance with the descriptions in the “Intro” section of UN/ECE Recommendation 20, Revision 11 (2015): The 2 character alphanumeric code values in UNECE Recommendation 21 shall be used. To avoid duplication with existing code values in UNECE Recommendation No. 20, each code value from UNECE

Recommendation 21 shall be prefixed with an “X”, resulting in a 3 alphanumeric code when used as a unit of measure.

10Rate1..1Item Rate per quantityMand atoryDecima l (10,2)500.5The number of item units to which the price applies.
11GrossAmount1..1gross amountOptio nalDecima l (10,2)5000The price of an item, exclusive of GST, after subtracting item price discount. The Item net price has to be equal with the Item gross price less the Item price discount, if they are both provided. Item price can not be negative.
12DiscountAmount0..1discount amountOptio nalDecima l (10,2)The total discount subtracted from the Item gross price to calculate the Item net price.
13PreTaxAmount0..1PretaxOptio nalDecima l (10,2)50This is the Value after the Tax. Ideally this would be taxable value in most cases, when ever there is a change in the assesseable value then pretax amount should be used for.
14AssesseebleValue1..1net amountMand atoryDecima l (13,2)5000The unit price, exclusive of GST, before subtracting Item price discount, can not be negative
15GST Rate1..1RateMand atoryDecima


5The GST rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invoiced item.

Amount as per item

Mand atoryDecima


A group of business terms providing information about GST breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons
17Camt0..1CGST Amount as per itemMand atoryDecima


18Samt0..1SGST Amount as per itemMand atoryDecima


19Csamt0..1CESS Amount as per itemOptio nalDecima


20StateCessAmt0..1State cess amount as per itemOptio nalDecima


21OtherCharges0..1Other if anyOptio nalDecima


A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than GST, applicable to the Invoice as a whole.
22Invoice_line_net_a mount0..1Invoice line Net AmountOptio nalDecima


The total amount of the Invoice line. The amount is “net” without GST, i.e. inclusive of line level allowances and charges as well as other relevant taxes. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
23Order__Line_Refere nce0..1Reference to purchase orderoption


String (50)Reference of purchase order.
24ItemTotal1..1net amountOptio nalDecima l (13,2)5000A group of business terms providing the monetary totals for the Invoice.
25Origin_Country0..1Origin country of itemoption




length: 2)

This is to specify item origin country like mobile phone sold in India could be manufactured in China.
26SerialNoDetails0..1Optio nalRefer  A 1.3.2
 A 1.3        Total Details1..1 Mand atory 


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 

Amount as per invoice

Optio nalDecima


Appropriate taxes based on rule will be applicable. For example either of CGST& SGST or IGST will be mandatory. As there is no way to show conditional mandatory, optional has been mentionted against all taxes.
2CGST Value0..1CGST

Amount as per invoice

Optio nalDecima


Taxable value as per Act to be specified
3SGST Value0..1SGST

Amount as per invoice

Optio nalDecima


Taxable value as per Act to be specified

Amount as per invoice

Optio nalDecima


Taxable value as per Act to be specified
5State Cess Value0..1State cess Amount as per invoiceOptio nalDecima


Taxable value as per Act to be specified
6Rate0..1Tax RateOptio nalDecima


Tax Rate
7Freight0..1ChargesOptio nalDecima


8Insurance0..1ChargesOptio nalDecima


9Packaging and Forwarding0..1ChargesOptio nalDecima


10Other Charges0..1Pretax/post chargesOptio nalDecima


A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole. A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than GST, applicable to the Invoice as a whole.
11Roundoff0..1roundoff valueOptio nalDecima


The amount to be added to the invoice total to round the amount to be paid. Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
12Total Invoice Value1..1Total


Mand atoryDecima


The total amount of the Invoice with GST.

Must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.

 A 1.3.1        Batch Details1..1   


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 
1BatchName1..1Batch number/na meMand atorystring(


length: 20)

Batch number details are important to be mentioned for certain  set of manufacturers
2BatchExpiry Date0..1Expiry Dateoption






Expiry Date of the Batch
3WarrantyDate0..1Warranty DateOptio nalstring




Warranty Date of the ITEM
 A 1.3.2        Serial

Number Details



Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 

Number in case of each item having unique number

Optio nalstring(


length: 15)

2OtherDetail10..1other detail of serial numberOptio nalstring(


length: 10)

3OtherDetail20..1other detail of serial numberOptio nalstring(


length: 10)

 A 1.3.3        PreTax Details


Parameter Name Description Field Specifi cationsSample Value 
1Pretax ParticularsPretax ledger/parti cularsOptio nalstring(


length: 100)

2TaxOnPretax on gross amount or any otherOptio nalDecima


3AmountAmountOptio nalDecima


  1. Workflow of E-Invoicing
      1. The e-invoice system being implemented by tax departments across the globe consists of two important parts namely,
        1. Generation of invoice in a standard format so that invoice generated on one system can be read by another system.
        2. Reporting of e-invoice to a central system.
      2. The basic aim behind adoption of e-invoice system by tax departments is ability to pre-populate the return and to reduce the reconciliation problems. Huge increase in technology sophistication, increased penetration of Internet along with availability of computer systems at reasonable cost has made this journey possible and hence more than 60 countries are in the process of adopting the e-invoice.
  2. How to Generate E-Invoice

The flow of the e-invoice generation, registration and receipt of confirmation can be logically divided into two major parts;

PART A: The first part being the interaction between the business (supplier in case of invoice) and the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP).

PART B: The second part is the interaction between the IRP and the GST/E-Way Bill Systems and the Buyer.

This involves following steps;

Step 1 is the generation of the invoice by the seller in his own accounting or billing system. The invoice must conform to the e-invoice schema (standards) that is published and have the mandatory parameters. The optional parameters can be according to the business need of the supplier. The supplier’s (seller’s) software should be capable to generate a JSON of the final invoice that is ready to be uploaded to the IRP. The IRP will only take JSON of the e-invoice.

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Step 2: This includes generation of the unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN). This is an optional step. The seller can also generate this and upload along with invoice data. The 3 parameters which will be used to generate IRN (hash) are:

i. Supplier GSTIN,

ii. Supplier’s invoice number and,

iii. Financial year (YYYY-YY).

Step 3 is to upload the JSON of the e-invoice (along with the hash, if generated) into the IRP by the seller. The JSON may be uploaded directly on the IRP or through GSPs or through third party provided Apps.

Step 4: The IRP will also generate the hash and validate the hash of the uploaded json, if uploaded by the supplier. The IRP will check the hash from the Central Registry of GST System to ensure that the same invoice from the same supplier pertaining to same Fin Year is not being uploaded again. On receipt of confirmation from Central Registry, IRP will add its signature on the Invoice Data as well as a QR code to the JSON. The QR code will contain GSTIN of seller and buyer, Invoice number, invoice date, number of line items, HSN of major commodity contained in the invoice as per value, hash etc.

Step 5 will involve sharing the uploaded data with GST and e-way bill system. This  includes following

  • Share the signed e-invoice data along with IRN (same as that has been returned by the IRP to the seller) to the GST System as well as to E-Way Bill System.
  • The GST System will update the ANX-1 of the seller and ANX-2 of the buyer, which in Turn will determine liability and ITC.
  • E-Way bill system will create Part-A of e-way bill using this data to which only vehicle Number will have to be attached in Part-B of the e-way bill.

Step 6 will involve returning the digitally signed JSON with IRN back to the seller along with a QR code. The registered invoice will also be sent to the seller and buyer on their mail ids as provided in the invoice.

Before Parting..

E-Invoice is a welcome step but CBIC as always have been late with IRP Test Portals and laying the infrastructure in front of users on test Basis. By now, the e invoice portals needs to be opened for all and voluntary beta runs should be allowed. Also the GSP’s and third party softwares should be indicated on the portal itself so that companies can appoint the right vendors.

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