The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is forming a group with the name, “Group for Considering the Impact of the National Education Policy on CA Course of ICAI” so that ICAI could analyse the impact of the new policy on the scheme of education and training made by the Government of India (GoI).

“In the dynamic world that we live in, change is the law of nature. To avoid stagnancy of ideas and push the wheel of growth, it is important to consistently attempt to improve and evolve. In sync with the same belief, Indian state took a leap towards a better future and reintroduced a new Education Policy to replace 34-year-old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986. The policy intends to broaden the choices available to students and incorporate more modern initiatives to ensure greater learning. Built on the foundational pillars of access, equity, quality, affordability and accountability, the new policy is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The change aims to transform our country into a vibrant knowledge society and global knowledge hub,” said the President of ICAI, CA. Atul Kumar Gupta.

ICAI’s President also said that the ICAI has been always progressive and also in this New Educational Policy Structure it will not lag behind and because of this factor, it should attune its systems and structures in line with the new education policy.

Also, he said, “While the present education and training scheme was implemented only three years back on July 01, 2017, it is important to remain in tandem with the new policy and emerging ideologies.”

CA. Atul Kumar Gupta also talked about how will the New Group formed by ICAI will work as the group will have the powers to recommend changes, wherever required, in the ICAI’s Scheme of Education and Training to be in line with the new policy. The group will also identify and address challenges, if any, that may arise to ICAI out of the changes to be brought in vide the said policy.

ICAI is also trying to help the students and the members of the Institute who are also struck with the rest of world the problems caused by this Covid-19 pandemic by taking some series of steps in the overall interest of its student community.

With Warm Regards,

CL Bureau.

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