The Most Important Way of Productivity – Keep Your Employees Happy

(With Harvard’s Insights)

The world is changing in all dimensions and with the change the mindsets of the organizations shall also change. By mindset, I mean the manner in which look to regulate / react to our surroundings by referring to the so called “wisdom” we earned during our past experiences.

It has now been cleared in several research that the productivity of any person derives a great strength from the Emotional Stability of that person and more the stability the distractions reduce more thereby enhancing stability. So now if that is the case, you need to know what you and your organization can do to bring a happier atmosphere to the working place. Here are few important small points which are easy to implement and remember.

  1. a)     People Like Responsibility

“Leadership – leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses”. – Mitt Romney

Yes, that’s Right! You need to bring an open responsibility to others and keep them on clear accountability for their responsibility. Everyone in today’s competitive world likes to challenge himself and build the skills to improve and live better and getting a responsibility from his senior / colleague is a major motivation and platform for most of people.

  1. b)    Give Choices and Autonomity

People like to have a say in shaping their workday and controlling their own destiny.  Autonomy means giving employees control over when they work, where they work, and what they work on. It means allowing for self-determination and flexibility, and focusing on results, rather than face-time. Choice and autonomy are proven to be powerful drivers of employee motivation and performance.

Read Harvard’s Business Review Post on: – “Employees Perform better when they can control their Space”

  1. c)     It’s Not Only a Transactional Business

    It is not just a relationship of transactions with the employees you must understand for sure it is beyond that. If saying it a ‘family’ would be exaggeration then saying it a transactional relationship would be sin also. The cultivation of top brass corporate and MNC’s is designed to ensure a smooth gelling and mutual growth and improvement team building which resonates not only at employee level but at a corporate level. It is not be only implemented but it has to be cultured.

  2. d)    Develop a Sense of Purpose

One of the other pillars to employee satisfaction and happiness is purpose. People want to work for companies where they feel that they’re making a meaningful difference in the world. People who believe in what they are doing are happier, more motivated, and more productive. One of the other pillars to employee satisfaction and happiness is purpose. People want to work for companies where they feel that they’re making a meaningful difference in the world. People who believe in what they are doing are happier, more motivated, and more productive.

  1. e)     Breaking the Routine Processes – Promoting Creativity

When a company decides to do something new, employees usually try several different ways of carrying out the activity. But once they have found a way that works particularly well, they have strong incentives to lock into the chosen process and stop searching for alternatives. Fixing on a single process frees people’s time and energy for other tasks. It leads to increased productivity, as employees gain experience performing the process. And it also provides the operational predictability necessary to coordinate the activities of a complex organization.

Refer Harvard’s Post on-Why Good Companies Become Bad

  1. f)      Reward and Recognition

It is human nature to respond positively to recognition and rewards. Employee recognition leads to greater employee satisfaction and enjoyment of work, better teamwork and higher retention, lower negative effects from absenteeism and stress, and even higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from customers. Incentivizing employees and celebrating success makes employees feel valued and boosts confidence. It helps them feel a sense of accomplishment, which is a powerful motivator, and reinforces their sense of meaning and joy in their work. Rewards and recognition can take many forms, including from gift cards, time off, public recognition at a weekly company meeting, and of course, promotions. In any case, they inspire employees to do their best.

Read Next: – 7 Principles of Successful Professional / Student

Related Tags Articles, Employees, Happiness, Productivity, Work Culture

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